Emergency Response and Business Continuity Planning

Today’s environment requires an all hazards approach for preparation, response, mitigation, and recovery to events that may affect your operations, employees, and customers.

One must consider internal threats such as workplace violence, chemical release, loss of utilities, suspicious mail, fire/evacuation, and other events that disrupt your work environment. When was the last time you had the required fire drill and conducted an evaluation of your fire plan response?

External events also may impact your ability to maintain operations. Severe weather and pandemic flu are important considerations to include in your plan and training programs. Loss of utilities, external chemical spills, civil unrest, and area evacuation should be analyzed and planned for. Do you have a shelter in place response?

Business Continuity

Maintenance of business or service continuity may be critical depending on your scope of service. Some business may be able to delay their operations. Some services must always operate even under adverse conditions. CTTCI has the expertise to develop realistic plans and training programs to help you create a complete recovery plan by identifying and assessing risks, defining critical business functions, finding methods for communicating with key stakeholders, assuring continuity of supplies, and assuring security and availability of data and information during and after an event. Our services make sure preparations are on target and that your business survives a disruption or disaster. 

The recovery phase is designed for you to reestablish your services as soon as possible. Contacts, payroll, tax records, employee lists, customers, and vendors (among others) should have records properly stored off site and backed up on a regular time frame.

Preplanning is key to reduce loss. CTTCI can assess your risk, develop the required Emergency Response Plan, train your employees, conduct specialized response training, integrate your response with outside responders, and develop your recovery methods.

Sound complex? Proper planning may be complex. Our experts take the complex and develop realistic, understandable responses. Give us a call or complete the Request for Proposal form and one of our consultant will contact you as soon as possible. 

Give us a call , register for a course or contact us and one of our consultants will contact you as soon as possible.