Noise Surveys and Hearing Conservation Programs

Noisy work environments (above the PEL) account for approximately 30% of hearing loss in the public. Noise in the work environment is uncomfortable, disrupts workers focus, interferes with productivity, is citable by OSHA, and compensable under workers compensation. This hazard can also be corrected.

CTTCI can conduct the noise survey to identify areas suspected to be above the PEL. Where required full shift monitoring is implemented. From this data, the correct type of hearing protection and Noise Rating Reduction (NRR) factor can be employed to maintain employee safety.

Employee training programs for noise and reduction strategies (required), a written conservation program (required), audiometric testing (required), documentation of loss on the OSHA 300 Log (required), and an ongoing monitoring schedule can be established. Our experienced consultants will evaluate controlling/reducing the hazard by equipment/process modification, isolation, and other environment controls.

Give us a call , register for a course or contact us and one of our consultants will contact you as soon as possible.